Workers' Compensation & Structured Return-to-Work

Workers' Compensation Program

We provide coverage for workers’ compensation losses incurred under the State of California Workers’ Compensation Law and Statutes and within the limits of program coverage. BCJPIA claims are handled by our third-party claims administrator, Innovative Claims Solutions (ICS).

The Pooled Workers’ Compensation Program provides coverage in excess of various limits retained by the members. BCJPIA retains the first $1,000,000 of each loss for workers’ compensation and employer’s liability and shares the risk among the members. For more information about this program, as well as additional layers of excess coverage in place, please contact our staff.

Structured Return-to-Work

The Structured Return-to-Work Program is a component of the Workers’ Compensation Program, functioning as a loss control tool. The program includes: 1) 24/7 Nurse Triage services provided by Company Nurse; 2) Return-to-Work (RTW) Assistance provided by staff at York and; 3) Access to RTW tools such as a library of Essential Job Functions and access to pre-populated claim forms on the Boomerang platform.